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Recent Publications of the Neurodynamics Group at LENA
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Recent Publications of the Neurodynamics Group at LENA

Neuenschwander,S., Martiniere, J. Renault,B. and , Varela, F. (1993), A dynamical analisys of oscillatory responses in the optic tectum, Cognitive Brain Res 1:175-181.

Varela, F. (1995), Resonant Cell Assemblies: A new approach to cognitive functions and neuronal synchrony, Biol.Research 28:81-95.

Neuenschwander, S., A.Engel, P.K–nig, W.Singer and F.Varela (1996), Synchronization of neuronal responses in the optic tectum of awake pigeons, Visual Neurosci, 13: 575-584.

M¸ller,J., Neuenschwander, S., Pezard,L. Renault,B., Martinerie, J., and Varela, F. (1996), Detecting non-linearities in neuro-electrical signals of synchrnous local field potentials, Physica D 94: 65-91.

Pezard,L., J.-L.Nandrino, B.Renault, F.El-Massioui, J.-F.Allilaire, J.M¸ller, F.J.Varela, and J.Martinerie (1996), Depression as a dynamical disease, Biological Psychiatry 39:991-999.

Pezard,L. Martinerie, J., M¸ller,J. Varela, F. and B.Renault (1996), Multichannel measures of average and localized entropy, Physica D 96:344-354.

M.Le Van Quyen, H.Schuster, and F.Varela (1996), Fast rhythms from slow neuronal oscillators, Int.J.Bifurcation Chaos, 6: 1807-1816.

J.P.Lachaux, L.Pezard, Ch.Pelt, L.Garneiro, B.Renault, F.Varela and J.Martinerie (1997), Spatial extension of brain activity fools the single-channel reconstruction of EEG dynamics, Human Brain Mapping 5:26-47.

Le Van Quyen, M., J.Martinerie, C. Adam, J-Ph.Lachaux, M.Baulac, B.Renault, and F.Varela (1997), Temporal patterns in human epileptic activity are modulated by perceptual discriminations, Neuroreport 8: 1703-1710.

Pezard,L., Lachaud, J-P, J.-L.Nandrino, C.Adam, L.Garnero, B.Renault, F.J.Varela, and J.Martinerie (1997), Local and global entropy quantification in neuronal systems, J.Technical Physics 38:319-322.

Le Van Quyen, M., J.Martinerie, C. Adam, H.Schuster, and F.Varela (1997), Unstable periodic orbits in human epileptic acivity, Physica E 56: 3401-3411.

 M. LeVan Quyen, C. Adam, M. Baulac, J. Martinerie and F. J. Varela, (1998), Non-linear Interdependences of EEG Signals during intracranial ictal activities, Brain Research 792:24-40.

J.Martinerie, C.Adam, M.Le van Quyen, M.Baulac, B.Renault and F. J. Varela (1998), Can epileptic crisis be anticipated?, Nature Medicine 4:1173-1176.
((.pdf file available on the site))

L.Pezard, J.Martinerie, F.J.Varela, F.Bouchet, D.Guez, Ch.DerousnÈ and B.Renault (1998), Entropy maps characterize drug effects on brain dynamics in Alzheimer's disease, Neuroscience Lett. 253:5-8.

E.Rodriguez, N.George, J.P. Lachaux, J.Martinerie, B.Renault and F.Varela (1999), Perception's shadow:Long-distance synchronization in the human brain, Nature 397:340-343.
((.pdf file available on the site))

M.Le van Quyen, J.Martinerie, C.Adam and F.Varela, Dynamics of neuronal networks in epileptogenesis, Physica D  127:250-266.

M.Le van Quyen, J.Martinerie, M.Baulac, and F.Varela (1999), Anticipation of epileptic seizures in real time by a nonlinear similarity measure in human intracortical recordings, Neuroreport 10:2149-2155

J.P. Lachaux, E.Rodriguez, J.Martinerie and F.Varela (1999), Measuring phase-synchrony in brain signals, Human Brain Map. 8: 194-208

M.Le van Quyen J.Martinerie and F.Varela (1999), Spatio-temporal dynamics of epileptopgenic networks, In: Peter Grassberger and Klaus Lehnertz (Eds.), Chaos in the Brain?, pp. 86-96, World Scientific, 1999.

M. Baulac, M.Le van Quyen J.Martinerie, S.Cleme,ceau, C.Adam and F.Varela (1999), Pre-ictal changes of the EGG dynamics in epileptic patients: clinical and neurobiological implications, In: Peter Grassberger and Klaus Lehnertz (Eds.), Chaos in the Brain?, pp.77-86, World Scientific, 1999.

Papers in Press :

Lachaux, JP, Rodriguez, E., M.Le Van Quyen, A Lutz, J.Martinerie and F.Varela (2000), Studying single-trials of  phase-synchronous activity in the brain, Int.J.Bifuct.Chaos

M.Le van Quyen, J.Martinerie, C.Adam , S.Clemenceau, M.Baulac, and F.Varela (2000), Non-linear analysis of long-term EEG spatio-temporal dynamics in human tempoal lobe epilepsy,  Europ.J.Neuroscien.

J.P. Lachaux, E.Rodriguez, J.Martinerie, C.Adam, D.Hasboun and F.Varela (2000), Gamma-band activity in human intracortical recordings triggered by cognitive tasks, Europ.J.Neuroscience

Papers submitted for publication :

E.Rodriguez, B. Jamel, J.P.Lachaux, A.Lutz, J.Martinerie, B.Renault and F.Varela, Multi-band brain synchrony during a complex visual task

M. Le van Quyen, J.Martinerie, V.Navarro, P.Boon, M.D’Hiv, F. Varela, and M.Baulac, Anticipation of epileptic seizures from standard surface EEG
Francisco J. VARELA
LENA-Neurosciences Cognitives et Imagerie CÈrÈbrale
HÙpital de la SalpÍtriËre
47, Blvd de l'HÙpital
75651 Paris Cedex
tel.(331). fax.(331).
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Last modified : 11 July, 2000