Francisco Varela's Home Page
Selected papers on neurodynamics
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Measuring phase-synchrony in brain signals
Human Brain Mapping 8:194ñ208(1999).
PDF version (745 KB)

Anticipating epileptic seizures in real time by a non-linear analysis of similarity between EEG recordings
NeuroReport 10, 2149-2155 (1999)
PDF version (1,355 KB)

Perception's shadow: long-distance synchronization of human brain activity
Nature, Vol 397, 4 February 1999
PDF version (353 KB)

Epileptic seizures can be anticipated by non-linear analysis
Nature Medicine, Volume 4, Number 10, October 1998
PDF version (218 KB)

Spatial Extension of Brain Activity Fools the Single-Channel Reconstruction of EEG Dynamics
Human Brain Mapping 5:26ñ47(1997)
PDF version(435 KB)

Francisco J. VARELA
LENA-Neurosciences Cognitives et Imagerie CÈrÈbrale
HÙpital de la SalpÍtriËre
47, Blvd de l'HÙpital
75651 Paris Cedex
tel.(331). fax.(331).
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Last modified : 01 June, 2000