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List of Publications

Francisco J. Varela


[1] Varela,F. and K.R.Porter (1969),

The fine structure of the visual system of the honeybee. I. The retina,

J.Ultrastruct.Res. 29:236-258.

[2] Varela,F. and H.Maturana (1970),

Time courses of excitation and inhibition in the vertebrate retina,

Exp.Neurol. 26:53-59.

[3] Varela,F. (1970),

The fine structure of the visual system of the honeybee.II. The lamina,

J.Ultrastruct.Res 31:178-194.

[4] Varela,F. and W.Wiitanen (1970),

Optics in the compound eye of the honeybee,

J.Gen.Physiol. 55:336-358.

[5] Wiitanen,W. and F.Varela (1971),

Analysis of the organization and overlap of visual fields in the compound eye of the honeybee,

J.Gen.Physiol. 57:303-325.

[6] Varela,F. (1971),

Self-consciousness: Adaptation or epiphenomenon?,

Studium Generale 24:426-439.

[7] Moran, D. and F.Varela (1971),

Microtubules and sensory transduction,

Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.USA 68:757-760.

[8] Varela,F. (1971),

The vertebrate and the compound eye in evolutionary perspective,

Vision Res. (Suppl.) 11:201-210.

[9] Maturana,H. , F.Varela, and S.Frenk (1972),

Size constancy and the problem of perceptual spaces,

Cognition 1:97-104.

[10] Varela,F. and H.Maturana (1973),

Mechanism and biological explanation,

Phil.Sci. 39:378-382.

[11] Varela,F., H.Maturana and R.Uribe (1974),

Autopoiesis: The organization of living systems, its characterization and a model,

Biosystems 5:187-196.

• Reprinted in: Cybernetics Forum 10:7-14, 1982.

• German translation in: Erkennen: Die Organisation und Verk–rperung von Wirklichkeit, Vieweg, Wiesbaden, 1982, pp.157-167.

• Italian translation in: La Nuova Critica, No 64, 1982, pp.5-21.

[12] Moran,D., J.Rowley, and F.Varela (1975),

Ultrastructure of the grasshopper femoral chordotonal organ,

Cell Tiss.Res. 16:445-457.

[13] Varela,F. (1975),

A calculus for self-reference,

Int.J.Gen.Systems 2:5-24.

[14] Moran,D., J.Rowley, S.Zill, and F.Varela (1976),

The mechanism of sensory transduction in a mechanoreceptor,

J.Cell Biol. 71:832-847.

[15] Varela, F. (1976),

Not one, not two,

CoEvolution Quart. No12, pp.62-67.

[16] Moran,D., F.Varela, and J.Rowley (1977),

Evidence for the active role of sensory cilia in mechanotransduction,

Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.USA 74: 793-797.

[17] Varela,F. and J.Goguen (1977),

The arithmetic of closure,

in: R.Trappl (Ed.), Progress in Cybernetics and Systems Research, Vol. 3, Wiley Hemisphere, New York, pp.48-63.

• Reprinted in: J.Cybernetics 8:291-324, 1978.

[18] Varela,F. (1977),

On being autonomous: The lessons of natural history for systems theory,

in: G.Klir (Ed.), Applied Systems Research, Plenum Press, New York, pp.77-85.

[19] Varela,F. J.Rowley, and D.Moran (1977),

The control of ciliary movements: An application of the cusp catastrophe,

J. Theoret.Biol. 65:531-553.

[20] Zeiger, E., W.Moody, P.Hepler, and F.Varela (1977),

Photoreceptor-like responses in stomatal guard cells,

Nature 270:270-271.

[21] Varela,F. (1977),

The nervous system as a closed network,

Brain Theory Newsletter 2:66-67.

[22] Vaz, N. and F.Varela (1978),

Self and non-sense: An organism- centered approach to immunology,

Medical Hypothesis 4:231-267.

• Japanese translation: Gendai-Shiso, Vol.12, pp.166-188, 1984.

[23] Goguen,J. and F.Varela (1979),

Systems and distinctions: Duality and complementarity,

Int.J.Gen.Systems 5:31-43.

[24] Varela,F. (1979),

The extended calculus of indications interpreted as a three-valued logic,

Notre Dame J.Formal Logic 20:141-146.

[25] Kaufman,L. and F.Varela (1980),

Form dynamics,

J.Soc.Biol.Struct. 3:171-206.

[26] Varela,F. (1980),

Describing the logic of the living,

in: M.Zeleny (Ed.), Autopoeisis: A theory of the living organization, North-Holland. New York, pp.36-48.

[27] Zill,S., D.Moran, and F.Varela (1981),

The exoskeleton and insect propioception. Reflex effects of tibial campaniform sensilla in the american cockroach (Periplaneta americana),

J.Exp.Biol. 94:43-57.

[28] Varela,F., A.Toro. E.R.John, and E.Schwartz (1981),

Perceptual framing and cortical alpha rhythms,

Neuropsychologia 19:675-686.

[29] Varela, F. (1981),

Autonomy and autopoiesis,

in: G.Roth and H.Schwegler (Eds.), Self-Organizing Systems: An interdiciplinary approach, Campus Verlag, Frakfurt and New York, pp.14-24.

• German translation in: S.J.Schmidt (Hgb.), Der Diskurs des Radikalen Konstruktivismus, Suhrkamp Tashenbuch Wissenschaft, Frankfurt, 1986, pp.119-133.

[30] Varela, F. (1981),

Der kreative Zirkel: Skizzen zur Naturgeschichte der R¸ckbez¸glichkeit,

in: P.Watzlavick (Ed.), Die Erfundene Wirklichkeit: Beitr”ge zum Konstruktivismus, Piper Verlag, M¸nchen, pp.294-309.

• English translation in: The Invented Reality: Contributions to constructivism, W.Norton, New York, pp.309-325, 1984.

• French translation in: L'Invention de la RealitÈ, Eds du Seuil, Paris, 1988, pp.329-347.

• Italian translation in: La Relt· Inevntata, Feltrinelli, Milan, 1989.

• Spanish translation in: La Realidad Inventada, Ed.Gedisa, Buenos Aires, 1989.

• Portuguese translation in: A Realidade Inventada, Edit.Psy, Campinas, 1994

[31] Maturana, H. and F.Varela (1981),

Size constancy and accomodation,

Perception 10:104-107.

[32] Varela,F. (1982),

Las ·lgebras de Boole y la nociÛn de distinciÛn,

Notas Soc.Matem.Chile 1:39-53.

[33] Varela, F. (1982),

La corteza bien temperada: An·lisis harmÛnico de campos receptivos visuales,

Arch.Biol.Med.Exp. 15:297-303.

[34] Maturana, H. and F.Varela (1982),

Color-opponent responses in the avian geniculate: A study in the quail (Coturnix corturnix japonica ),

Brain Res. 247:227-241.

[35] Varela,F. (1983),

L'auto-organisation: De l'apparence au mÈcanisme,

in: P.Dumouchel and J.P.Dupuy (Eds.), L'Auto-Organisation: De la physique au politique, Eds. du Seuil, Paris, pp.147-165.

• English translation in: La Nuova Critica, No.64, pp.31-51, 1982.

[36] Varela,F., G.MarÌn, J.Letelier, and H.Maturana (1983),

The neurophysiology of avian color vision,

Arch.Biol.Med.Exp. 16:291-303.

[37] Soto-Andrade,J. and F.Varela (1984),

Self-reference and fixed points,

Acta Applic.Matem. 2:1-19.

[38] Varela,F. (1984),

Das Gehen ist der Weg,

in: R.Kakuska (Ed.), Andere Wirklichkeiten, Dianus Trikont, M¸nchen, pp.155-169.

[39] Varela,F. (1984),

Two principles for self-organization,

in: H.Ulrich and G.Probst (Eds.), Self-organization and Management of Social Systems, Springer Verlag, Berlin, pp.25-33.

[40] Letelier,J. and F.Varela (1984),

Why the cortical magnification factor in Rhesus is isotropic,

Vision Res. 24:1091-1095.

[41] Budnik,V., J.Mpodozis, F.Varela, and H.Maturana (1984),

Regional specialization of the quail retina: Ganglion cell density and oil droplet distribution,

Neuroscien. Lett. 51:145-150.

[42] Varela,F. (1984),

Living ways of sense-making: A middle path for neuroscience,

in: P.Livingstone (Ed.), Order and Disorder: Proceedings of the Stanford International Symposium, Anma Libri, Stanford, pp.208-224.

[43] Varela,F. (1985),

Non-hebbian synaptic learning rules,

in: Cognitiva 85, CESTA, Paris, pp.751-754.

[44] Varela,F. (1985),

Complexity of the brain and autonomy of the living,

in: G.Bocchi and M.Ceruti (Eds.), La Sfida della Complessit·, Feltrinelli,

Milano, pp.141-157

[45] Glasersfeld, E.v. and F.Varela (1985),

Problems of knowledge and cognizing organisms,

Learning/Development (Lisbon), 2:17-25

• Also in Methodologia N†1 (1987), pp.29-47 with italian translation pp.67-84.

[46] Varela,F. (1986),

Sur l'emergence de l'ordre dans les reseaux neuronaux modulaires,

in: Jeux de Reseaux, Cahiers STS du CNRS, N†9-10, Paris, pp.201-209.

[47] Varela,F. (1986),

Experimental epistemology: Past, present, and future,

Rev.Internat.Systemique 1:209-225

• Also in: Cahier CREA N†9, Ecole Polytechnique, Paris, pp.107-123; Eidos (Canada), 1989.

• Japanese translation: IBM User (Tokyo), N†4, pp.16-21, 1987

[48] Varela,F. (1986),

The future of perception and artificial intelligence,

in: H.Kawai and S.Yoshifuku (Eds.), Technology and Tradition in Transition , Proceedigns of the Kyoto Intl. Symposium on, Koyshakusa, Tokyo, pp.18-44 (in japanese).

• German translation in: Lebende Systeme, Heidelberg (in press).

[49] Varela,F. (1986),

Steps to a cybernetics of autonomy,

in: R.Trappl (Ed.), Power and Autonomy: New approaches toward complex systems, Plenum Press, London-New York, pp.117-122.

[50] Varela,F. (1986),

Networks: Immune and otherwise. A letter to the editor,

Ann.Inst.Pasteur / Immunol. 137 D:127-129.

[51] Varela,F. (1986),

Laying down a path in walking: a biologist's look at a new biology,

Cybernetic 2: 6-15

Reprinted in: ReVision 9:93-99; S.Grof (Ed.), Consciousness and Human Survival, SUNY Press, 1987; W.Thompson (ed.), Gaia: A way of knowing, Lindisfarne Press, Barrington, Mass..

• German translation in: P.Fayerabend and Ch.Thomas, Leben mit den "Acht Tods¸nden der zivilisierten Menscheit"?, Verlag der Fachvereine, Z¸rich , 1987, pp.307-325 (with a comment by P.Fayerabend, pp325-330;

• Also in: S.Grof (Ed.), Die Chance der Menscheit, K–sel, M¸nchen, 1988, pp.155- 168.

• French version in: 3e MillÈnaire, N†12, Mars 89, pp.40-50.

• Italian in: W.Thompson (ed.), Ecologia e Autonomia, Feltrinelli, MIlan, 1989

[52] Varela,F. and S.Frenk (1987),

The organ of form: Towards a biological theory of shape,

J.Soc.Biol.Struct. 10:73-83.

[53] Varela,F. (1987),

Die Auto-Organisation im Hirn und kognitive Prozesse ,

in G.G¸ntern (Hg.), Der Blinde Tanz der Lautl–se Musik : Die Auto-Organisation von Systemen, ISO-Stiftung, Brig, Switzerland, pp.71-93

[54] Varela,F. and W.Singer (1987),

Neuronal dynamics in the visual cortico-thalamic pathway as revealed through binocular rivalry,

Exp.Brain Res. 66:10-20.

[55] Varela, F.(1987),

Les racines biologiques de la individualitÈ,

in: Sur L'Individu, Colloque de Royaumont, Eds. du Seuil, pp. 88-95.

• Portuguese translation: Individuo e Poder, EdiÁižes 70, Lisboa, pp.105-113.

• Spanish translation: Sobre el Individuo, Editorial PaidÛs, Barcelona, pp.111-119.

[56] R–ssler,J. and F.Varela (1987),

Exact results for the average dynamics and correlation of non-linear neural networks,

Biol.Cybernetics 57:249-256.

[57] Varela,F. (1987),

The science and technology of cognition: Emergent directions, in: J.L.Roos (Ed.), Economics and Artificial Intelligence, 1st IFAC Intl.Symposium, Pergamon Press, Oxford/New York , pp.1-9.

• Portuguese translation in: Ciencia e Cultura 40:460-470.

[58] Guiloff,G., H.Maturana, and F.Varela (1987),

The cytoarquitecture of the avian ventral lateral geniculate,

J.Comp.Neurol. 264: 509-526

[59] Varela, F., (1988)

Erkentniss und leben,

in: Lebende Systeme, F.Simmons (Ed.), Springer Verlag, New York-Heidelberg, pp.34-47, pp.95-108, pp.108-120.

[60] Varela,F., A.Coutinho, B.Dupire, and N.Vaz (1988),

Cognitive networks: Immune, neural, and otherwise,

in: A.Perelson (Ed.), Theoretical Immunology, Part II , (SFI Series on the Science of Complexity), Addison-Wesley, New Jersey, pp.359-375.

[61] Varela,F. (1988),

Une approache a l'etude de l'autonomie et de la complexitÈ,

in: E.Schwartz (Ed.), La RÈvolution des SystËmes: Une introduction ý l'Approche Systemique, Editions del Val, Fribourg, pp.253-269.

[62] Varela,F., and J.Letelier (1988),

Morphic resonance in silicon chips: An experimental test of the hypothesis of formative causation,

Skeptical Inquirer 12:298-300.

[63] Maldonado,P., H.Maturana, and F.Varela, (1988),

Frontal and lateral visual fields in bird's vision,

Brain Beh.Evol. 32: 57-63.

[64] Varela,F. (1988),

Structural coupling of simple cellular automata: On the origin of meaning,

in: E.Secarz, F.Celada, N.A.Mitchinson, and T.Tada, The Semiotics of Cellular Communication in the Immune System, NATO ASI Series, Vol. H23, Springer-Verlag, New York, pp. 151-161.

[65] Varela,F. V.S·nchez-Leighton, and A.Coutinho, (1988), Adaptive startegies gleaned from immune networks: Viability theory and Classifier systems, in: B.Goodwin and P.Saunders (Eds.), Theoretical Biology: Epigenetic and Evolutionary Order (A Waddington Memorial Conference), Edinburgh University Press, pp.112-123.

[66] Huetz,F., F.Jacquemart, C.PeÒa-Rossi, F.Varela, and A.Coutinho (1988)

Auto-immunity: The moving boundaries between physiology and pathology,

J.Autoimmunity 1:507-518.

[67] Gho,M. and F.Varela (1989),

Quantitative assesment of the dependency of the visual perceptual frame on the cortical alpha rhythm,

J.Physiologie (Paris) 83:95-101

[68] Stewart,J., F.Varela, and A.Coutinho (1989)

The relationship between connectivity and tolerance as revealed by computer simulation of the immune network: some lessons for an understanding of autoimmunity

J.Autoimm. 2 (Supplement):15-23

[69] Stewart,J. and F.Varela, (1989)

Exploring the connectivity of the immune network

Immunol.Reviews N†110, pp.37-61.

[70] Varela,F. and A.Cohen (1989)

Le corps evocateur: une relecture de l'immunitÈ

Nouvelle Revue de Psychanalyse N†40, Automne 1989, pp.193-213.

[71] Lundqvist,I., A. Coutinho, F.Varela, and D.Holmberg (1989),

Evidence for the functional dynamics in an antibody network,

Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci (USA) 86:5074-5078

[72] Varela,F. (1989)

Ðber die Natur und die Natur des Erkentniss

in: H.-P.D¸rr and W.Zimmerli (Eds.), Geist und Natur, Scherz Verlag, Munich,pp. 90-110.

• also in: M.Peschl (Ed.), Formen des Konstruktivismus in Diskusion, WUV Universit”ts Verlag, Wien, pp.88-108.

[73] Varela,F. and A.Coutinho, (1989)

Immune Networks: Getting on to the real thing

Res.Immunol. 140:837-845

[74] Luisi,L. and F.Varela (1989),

Self-replicating micelles as a chemical version of a minimal autopoietic system,

Origins of Life 19:633-643.

[75] Palacios,A. , C. Martinoya and S.Bloch, F.Varela, (1990),

Color mixtures in the pigeon: A psychophysical determination in the

longwave spectral range,

Vision Res. 30:587-596.

[76] Varela, F. (1990)

On the conceptual skeleton of cognitive science

in: Beobachter, Wilhem Fink Verlag, M¸nchen, p.13-25

[77] Varela, F. (1990)

Il corpo come macchina ontologica

in: M.Ceruti and L.Preta (Ed.), Cosa È la conoscenza?, Laterza, Roma,


[78] Varela,F.and J.Stewart, (1990)

Dynamics of a class of immune networks. I. Global stability of idiotype interactions,

J.theoretBiol. 144:93-101

[79] Stewart,J. and Varela,F (1990)

Dynamics of a class of immune networks. II. Oscillations of the humoral and cellular compartments,

J.theoretBiol. 144:103-115

[80] Coutinho,A., A.Andersson, A.Sunsblad, I.Lundkvist, D.Holmberg, M.Arala-Chaves, J.Stewart, and F.Varela (1990)

Immune network dynamics,

in: A.Osterhaus and F.Uytdehaag (Eds.) Idiotype Networks in Biology and Medicine, Elsevier Science Amsterdam-New York, pp.59-63.

[81] Varela,F. and E. Thompson (1990)

Color vision: A case study for the foundations of cognitive science,

Revue de SynthËse 61:129-138

• french: Le Cerceau Pluriel, G.Thill, B.Feltz, and D.Lambert (Eds.), Editions Ciaco, Brussels, pp.15-26

[82] Palacios,A., V.Bonnardel, and F.Varela (1990)

L'"autoshaping": mÈthode psychophysique pour la discrimination chromaitque chez les oiseaux,

Compt.Rend.Acad.Sci.(Paris) 311:213-218

[83] Varela,F. (1990),

Learning principles gleaned from biological networks,

in: S. Schmidt (ed.), Ged”chtnis: Probleme und Perspektiven der interdisciplin”ren Forschung, pp.159-169, Suhrkampf, Frankfurt

[84] Soto-Andrade, J. and F.Varela (1990)

On mental rotations and cortical activity patterns: A linear representation is still wanted,

Biological Cybernetics 64:221-223

[85] Palacios,A., H.Gionni, and F.Varela (1990)

Chromatic discrimination in pigeons after thalamic lesions of nuclei Rotundis (Rt) and geniculatus lateralis ventralis (GLv): A psychophysical study,

Compte Rendus Acad.Sci (Paris). Ser.III 312:113-116.

[86] Varela,F. and V.Sanchez-Leighton (1990)

On observing emergent properties and their composition

Brain Beh. Science (Continuing Commentary) 13:401-402

[87] Varela, F. (1990)

Between Turing and quantum mechanics there is a body to be found,

Beh.Brain Sci. (Commentary) 13: 687-688.

[88] Varela, F., (1991)

Organism: A meshwork of selfless selves,

in: Tauber (ed.), Organism and the Origin of Self, Kluwer, Dordrecht, pp.79-107

• also in: Rev.Europ.Sciences Soc. 29:173-198, 1991

[89] F.Varela and Coutinho A. (1991)

Second generation immune networks

Immunol Today 12:159-167

[90] V.Bonnardel, C.Martinoya, and F.Varela (1991)

Measuring the contrast sensitivity to periodic spectral modulations in man,

Compte Rendus Acad.Sci (Paris). Ser.III 312:695-700

[91] Varela,F. (1990)

Chaos as self-renewal

in: Chaos T.Teunners (ed.), Erasmus University, Rotterdam, pp.25-37.

[92] Varela,F.,A.Anderssen, G.Dietrich, A.Sundblad, D.Holmberg, M.Kazatchkine and A. Coutinho (1991),

The population dynamics of natural antibodies in normal and autoimmune individuals,

Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci. (USA) 88: 5917-5921

[93] Varela,F. (1991)

Brain Time, Cognitive time

in: J.Montangero and A.Tryphon (Eds.), Psychologie GÈnÈtique et Sciences Congnitive, 12th Piaget Symposium, Presses Univ. Geneve, pp.195-209

• also in: Rev.Int.Psychoppathologie, N†4, pp.435-450, 1991

• also in: J.Ogilvy (Ed.), Revisioning Philosophy, SUNY Press, New York, 1992, pp.97-111

• also in: M.Cerutti (ed.), Evolutzione e Conoscenza: L'epistemologie genetica di Jean Piaget , P.L.Lubrina Editori, Bergamo, 1992, pp.75-89

• also in: S.Kwinter and J.Cleary (Eds.), Incorporations, Zone Books, New York, pp.320-340, 1992

[94] Dupuy,J.P. and F.Varela (1991)

Creative circularities: Understanding origins

in: F.Varela and J.P.Dupuy (Eds.) Understanding Origin, Stanford University Intl.Symposium, Boston Studies Phil.Sci., Kluwer, Boston, pp. 1-27

German: in P.Watzlavick and P.Kr¸ger, Das Auge des Betrachters: Festschrift f¸r Heinz von Foerster, Piper Verlag, M¸nchen, pp.247-276

[95] Varela,F. (1991),

Whence the origin of perception? A cartography of current ideas,

in: F.Varela and J.P.Dupuy (Eds.) Understanding Origin: Contemporary Ideas on the Origin of Life, Mind and Society, Boston Studies Phil.Sci., Kluwer, Boston, pp.235-265

[96] Varela, F., M.Anspach, and A.Coutinho (1991),

Immuknowledge: Learning mechanisms of somatic individuation,

in: J.Brockman (Ed.), Doing Science, Prentice-Hall, New York, pp.237-257.

• also in: W.I.Thompson (Ed.), Emergence: The science of becoming, Lindisfarne Press, 1991, pp. 68-86, 185-210.

• also in: H.Gumbrecht and L.Pfeiffer (Eds.), Materialities of Communication, Stanford Univ.Press, 1994, pp.273-285

• German: in: K.Kratky, E.Bonet (Ed.), Systemtheorie und Reduktionismus,

Verlag der OSD, 1989, pp.185-202.

German: in: P.L.Luisi (ed.), Treffpunkt Zukunft , Aktuell Verlag, M¸nchenm, 1991, pp.80-102

• also in: K.L.Pfeiffer and H.U.Gumbrecht (eds.), Paradoxien, Dissonanzen, Zusammenbr¸che, Suhrkampf Verlag, Frankfurt, pp.727-746, 1991

• French: in: D.Andler (Ed.), Introduction aux Sciences Cognitives, Gallimard, Paris, 1992, pp.489-509.

[97] Bersini, H. and F.Varela (1991)

Hints for adaptive problem solving gleaned from immune networks,

in: H.-P.Scwefel and R.M”nner (Eds.), Parallel Problem Solving from Nature, Lecture Notes in Computer Science N†496, Springer Verlag, Berling, pp.343-354.

[98] Bersini, H. and F.Varela (1991)

The Immune recruitment mechanism: A selective evolutionary strategy,

in: R.K.Belew and L.S.Booker (Eds.), Genetic Algorthims, Proc.XIVth Int.Conference, Morgan Kauffman Publishers, San Mateo Ca., pp.520-526.

[99] Bonnardel, V. and F.Varela (1991)

A frequency view of color vision: Measuring the human sensitivity to square-wave spectral power distributions

Proc.Roy.Soc.Lond. B. 245:165-171

[100] Varela,F. (1991)

Structure and cognition in living systems,

in: A.Shibatani, N.Hokkyo, and Y.Sato (eds.), Structuralism and Biology, Yosioka Shoton, Kyoto, pp.266-274.

[101] Gionnai,H. Palacios,A., and F.Varela (1991)

Role of the nucleus geniculatus lateralis ventralis (GLv) in the optokinetic reflex: a lesion study in the pigeon

Exp.Brain Res. 86:601-607

[102] Stewart, J. and F.Varela (1991)

Morphogenesis in shape space: Elementary meta-dynamics of immune networks,

J.Theoret.Biol. 153:477-498

[103] Thompson,E., A.Palacios and F.Varela (1992)

Ways of coloring: Comparative color vision as a case study in cognitive science,

Beh.Brain Scien. 15:1-45

[104] Thompson,E., A.Palacios and F.Varela (1992)

On the ways to color: Reply to comments to the above,

Beh.Brain Scien. 15: 60-75

[105] Bourgine,P. and F.Varela (1992)

Towards a practice of autonomy,

in: P. Bourgine and F. Varela (Eds.) Toward a Practice of Autonomous Systems , MIT press/Bradford Books, Cambridge, 1992, pp.ix-xviii.

[106] Varela, F. (1992)

Penser l'IA: le point de vue d'un biologiste

in: P.Chambat and P.Levy (Eds.), Les Nouveaux Outils du Savoir, Editions Descartes, Paris, 1992, pp.87-104.

[107] Palacios, A. and F.Varela, (1992)

Color mixing in the pigeon. II. A psychophysical determination in the middle and short, and near-UV spectral range,

Vis.Research 32:1947-1953

[108] Varela, F. (1992)

Das zweite Gehirn unseres K–rpers

in: H.R.Fisher, A.Retzer, und J.Schweiter (Eds.), Das Ende der Grossen Entw¸rfe, Suhrkamp, Frankfort, pp. 109-117.

[109] W.Stein and F.Varela (1993)

Thinking about biology: An introductory essay

in: W.Stein and F.Varela (Eds.), Thinking About Biology: An introduction to Theoretical Biology, SFI Series on Complexity, Addision-Wesley, NJ, pp.1-11.

[110] Varela,F., A.Coutinho, and J.Stewart (1993)

What is the immune network for?

in: W.Stein and F.Varela (Eds.), Thinking About Biology: An introduction to Theoretical Biology, SFI Series on Complexity, Addision-Wesley, NJ, pp. 213-228

[111] Varela, F. (1993)

"Le cerveau et la pensÈe"

in: Georges Canguilhem: Philosophe et historien des sciences, Aubier, Paris, pp.279-286

[116] Varela,F. (1993)

When is a map cognitive?

in: E.Lazslo and I.Masulli (Eds.) (ed.), The Evolution of Cognitive Maps, Gordon & Breach, London, pp.99-104.

[117] Neuenschwander, S. and F.Varela (1993)

Visually triggered neuronal oscillations in birds: an autocorrelation study of tectal activity,

Europ.J.Neuroscien. 5:870-881

• also in: K.Pribram (Ed.), Origins: Brain and Self-Organization, LEA, Hillsdale, N.J., pp. 495-535.

[118] Varela, F. (1993)

Le Tout, plus que la somme des parties (Editorial),

Sciences et Vie: Les secrets du vivant, N†184, Sept. 1993, p.1

[119] Calenbuhr,V., Bersini.H., F.Varela, and J.Stewart (1993)

The impact of the structure of the connectivity matrix on the dynamics of a simple model for the immune network

in: E.Mosekilde (Ed.), Computer Simulation in Biology, Ecology and Medicine, Sooc.Computer Simulation, New York, pp.31-45.

[120] Neuenschwander,S., Martiniere, J. Renault, B. and , Varela, F. (1993)

A dynamical analisys of oscillatory responses in the optic tectum

Cognitive Brain Res 1:175-181

[121] Varela,F., A.Palacios and T.Goldsmith (1993)

Color vision of Birds

in: H.J.Bischoff (Ed.), Bird Vision and Cognition, MIT Press, Cambridge, pp.77-99.

[122] Dietrich, G., Varela, F. and Kazatchkhine,M. (1993)

Manipulating the human immune network with IgG

Europ.J.Immunol. 23:2945-2950

[123] Vuong,P., J.Stewart, A.Coutinho and F.Varela, (1994)

The shadow of a doubt: The etchis of AIDS vaccination programs,

Etique N†10, pp.28-38

[124] Varela,F. (1994)

Le bonheur comme savoir-faire,

R.P.Droit (ed.), O™ est le bonheur?, Editions le Monde, Paris, pp.306-327

[125] Varela,F. (1994)

A cognitive view of the immune system

World Futures 42:31-40

[126] Varela, F. (1994)

Sciences cognitives et psychanalyse: Questiones ouvertes

in: I.Billard (Ed.), Somatisation: Psychanalyse et Sciences du vivant, Editions Eschel, Paris, 1994.

• also in: J.Psychanal.Enfant 14:313-326, 1993

[127] Varela, F. (1994),

On defining life,

in: G.Fleischeker and M.Colonna (ed.), Self-reproduction of Supramolecular Structures,

Nato ASI Series, Plenum Press, 1994, pp.23-33.

[128] Bersini, H. and Varela, F. (1994)

Learning and the Immune network: Reinforcement, recruitment and their applications,

in: G.Patton (Ed.), Biologically Inspired Computation, Chapman and Hill, London, pp.166-192.

[129] Stewart,J. and F.Varela (1994)

Cognition without neurons: Adaptation, learning and memory in the immune system,

in: E.Benabou (Ed.), Intelligence Collective, Hermes, Paris, pp.

[130] V.Detours, H.Bersini, J.Stewart and F. Varela (1994)

Development of idiotypic network in shape space

J.theoret.Biol. 170:401-414.

[131] Varela, F. (1995)

The re-enchantment of the concrete,

in: L.Steels and R.Brooks (Eds.), The Artificial Life route to Artificial Intelligence: Building Embodied, Situated Agents, Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc., New Haven, pp.11-20.

[133] Varela, F. (1995)

Resonant Cell Assemblies: A new approach to cognitive functions and neuronal synchrony

Biol.Research 28:81-95.

[134] Deffuant, T.Fuchs, E.Monneret, , P.Bourgine, and F.Varela (1996)

Semi-algebraic organisms: the morphodynamical network perspective

Artificial Life 2:157-179

[135] Calenbuhr, V., H.Bersini, J.Stewart, and F.Varela (1995)

Natural tolerance in a small immune network,

J.theoret.Biol. 177:199-213

[136] Neuenschwander, S., A.Engel, P.K–nig, W.Singer and F.Varela (1996)

Synchronization of neuronal responses in the optic tectum of awake pigeons

Visual Neurosci, 13: 575-584.

[137] Varela, F. (1996)

Approches de l'intentionalitÈ: de l'individu aux groupes sociaux,

in: J.Mallet (Ed.), L'Organisation Apprenant: L'Action productrice du sens,

UniversitÈ de Provence, Aix-en-Provence, pp.33-45.

[138] M¸ller,J., Neuenschwander, S., Pezard,L. Renault,B., Martinerie, J., and Varela, F. (1996)

Detecting non-linearities in neuro-electrical signals of synchronous local field potentials,

Physica D 94: 65-91.

[139] Pezard,L., J.-L.Nandrino, B.Renault, F.El-Massioui, J.-F.Allilaire, J.M¸ller, F.J.Varela, and J.Martinerie (1996)

Depression as a dynamical disease,

Biological Psychiatry 39:991-999

[140] Pezard,L. Martinerie, J., M¸ller,J. Varela, F. and B.Renault

Multichannel measures of average and localized entropy,

Physica D 96:344-354 (1996).

[141] Varela, F. (1996)

Neurophenomenology: A Methodological remedy to the hard problem,

J.Consc.Studies 3:330-350.

• also in: J.Shear (Ed.), Explaining Consciousness: The Hard Problem of

Consciousness, MIT Press, Cambridge, 1997, pp. 337-358.

• also in: Pluriverso (Milan), 3:16-40 (1997) (italian)

[142] Varela, F. (1996)

The early days of autopoiesis: Heinz and Chile

Systems Research 13:407-417.

[143] Luisi,L. Lazcano,A. and Varela,F. (1996)

Autopoiesis: the very idea

in: Defining Life: The central problem in theoretical biology, M.Rizzotti (Ed.), Universit· de Padova, Padova, pp.146-167.

[144] M.Le Van Quyen, H.Schuster, and F.Varela (1996)

Fast rhythms from slow neuronal oscillators

Int.J.Bifurcation Chaos, 6: 1807-1816.

[145] V. Calenbuhr, F.J. Varela and H. Bersini (1996)

Natural tolerance as a function of network connectivity.

Int.J.Bifurcation Chaos, 6: 1691-1702

[146] J.P.Lachaux, L.Pezard, Ch.Pelt, L.Garneiro, B.Renault, F.Varela and J.Martinerie (1997)

Spatial extension of brain activity fools the single-channel reconstruction of EEG dynamics,

Human Brain Mapping 5:26-47.

[147] Le Van Quyen, M., J.Martinerie, C. Adam, J-Ph.Lachaux, M.Baulac, B.Renault, and F.Varela (1997)

Temporal patterns in human epileptic activity are modulated by perceptual discriminations,

Neuroreport 8: 1703-1710.

[148] Pezard,L., Lachaud, J-P, J.-L.Nandrino, C.Adam, L.Garnero, B.Renault, F.J.Varela, and J.Martinerie (1997)

Local and global entropy quantification in neuronal systems,

J.Technical Physics 38:319-322

[149] Varela, F.J. (1997)

The Body's Self

in: D.Goleman (Ed.), Health and Emotions, Shambhala, Boston, pp. 49-67 ss

[150] Varela, F. (1997)

Patterns of Life: Intertwining identity and cognition

Brain Cognition 34:72-87

[151] Varela, F. (1997)

Qu’est-ce que la vie artificielle?

Pour la Science, No.240, Octobre, pp.10-12.

[152] McMullin, B. and F.J.Varela (1997)

Rediscovering computational autopoeisis

in: P.Husbands and I.Harvey (Eds.), Fourth European Confrence on Artificial Life, MIT Press/ Bradford Books, Cambridge, MA., pp.38-48.

[153] Varela, F. (1997)

A science of consciousness as if experience mattered,

In: S.Hameroff, A.Kazniak, and A.Scott (Eds.), Towards the Science of Consciousness: The Second Tucson Discussions and Debates, MIT Press, pp. 31-44.

[154] Le Van Quyen, M., J.Martinerie, C. Adam, H.Schuster, and F.Varela (1997)

Unstable periodic orbits in human epileptic acivity

Physica E 56: 3401-3411.

[155] Varela, F. (1997)

The Naturalization of Phenomenology as the Transcendence of Nature:

Searching for generative mutual constraints,

Alter : Revue de PhÈnomÈnologie N†5 pp.355-385 (Paris)

[156] Varela, F. (1997)

Metaphor to mechanism: Natural to disciplined, J.Consc.Studies 4:344-346.

[157] Varela, F. (1998)

The neurodynamics of retention

In: J.L.Petit (Ed.), Les Neurosciences et la Philosophie de l'Action, J.Vrin, Paris, pp.231-243.

[158] Varela, F. (1998)

Construction du rÈel et affect: expÈrience du sujet, performances et narrations,

In: E.Goldbeter-Merinfeld (Ed.), Constructivisme et constructionisme social, De Boeack UniversitÈ, Brussels, pp.277-282.

[159] Palacios, A., F.J.Varela, R. Srivastava, and T.Goldsmith (1998)

Spectral sensitivity of cones of Carassius auratus,

Vision Res. 38:2135-2146.

[160] M. LeVan Quyen, C. Adam, M. Baulac, J. Martinerie and F. J. Varela, (1998)

Non-linear Interdependences of EEG Signals during intracranial ictal activities,

Brain Research 792:24-40

[161] J.Martinerie, C.Adam, M.Le van Quyen, M.Baulac, B.Renault and F. J. Varela (1998)

Epileptic crisis can be anticipated by non-linear analysis

Nature Medicine 4:1173-1176

[162] L.Pezard, J.Martinerie, F.J.Varela, F.Bouchet, D.Guez, Ch.DerousnÈ and B.Renault (1998)

Entropy maps characterize drug effects on brain dynamics in Alzheimer's disease,

Neuroscience Lett. 253:5-8.

[163] F.J.Varela and J.Shear (1999)

First-person methodologies: why, when and how.

J.Consc.Studies 6(2-3):1-14 1999.

[164] F.J.Varela (1999)

Present-time consciousness

J.Consc.Studies 6(2-3):111-140.

[165] E.Rodriguez, N.George, J.P. Lachaux, J.Martinerie, B.Renault and F.Varela (1999)

Perception's shadow:Long-distance synchronization in the human brain,

Nature 397:340-343.

[166] F.Varela and P.Vermersch (1999)

Fully embodying the personal level

Beh.Brain Sci. (Commentary) 21:777-778

[167] Le van Quyen, M., Martinerie. J., Adam, C., Varela F. (1999)

Nonlinear spatio-temporal interdependences of interictal intracranial EEG recordings from patients with temporal lobe epilepsy: Localizing epileptogenic foci.

Physica D 127:250-266

[168] Varela, F. (1999)

The specious present: The neurophenomenology of time consciousness,

in: J.Petitot, F.J. Varela, B.Pachoud and J.M.Roy (Eds.), Naturalizing Phenomenology, Stanford University Press, pp. 266-314.

• condensed version: Present-time consciousness, J.Consc. Studies Studies 6 (2-3):111-140, (1999).

[169] Varela, F. (1999)

Steps to a science of Interbeing: Unfolding the Dharma implicit in modern

Cognitive Science,

In: S.Bachelor, G.Claxton and G.Watson (eds.), The Psychology of Awakening:

Buddhism, Science and Our Day to Day Lives, Rider/Randon House, pp.71-89.

• revised version in: Envisioning Knowledge, B.Wiens (Ed.), Dumont, Cologne, 1999.

• french translation: Theorie, LittÈrature, Enseignement, No.17, pp.7-21, 1999.

• italian: Argonauti de la Noosphera, Centro Piu Manzu (in press).

[170] Varela, F. (1999)

Introduction: Why dynamics? Because it tackles real issues,

In: W.Tscahcher and J.P.Dauwalder (Eds.), Dynamics, Synergetics Autonomous Agents, World Scientific, Singapore, pp.xiii-xiv.

[171] F.Varela (1999)

A dimly perceived horizon: The complex meeting ground between lived and physical time,

Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sciences 879:143-154.

[172] M.Le van Quyen, J.Martinerie, M.Baulac, and F.Varela (1999)

Anticipation of epileptic seizures in real time by a nonlinear similarity measure in human intracortical recordings

Neuroreport 10:2149-2155

[173] F.Varela (1999)

Dasein's Brain: Phenomenology meets Cognitive Science,

in: D.Aerts (Ed.), Einstein Meets Magritte: The White Book, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, pp. 185-197.

[174] F.Varela (1999)

"Cognition et Sciences cognitives"

in: D.Lecourt (Ed.), Dictionnaire d'Histoire et de Philosophie des Sciences,

Presses Universitaires de France, pp.185-191.

[175] C.Adam , M.Le van Quyen, J.Martinerie, S.Clemenceau, M.Baulac, B. Renault and F.Varela (1999)

Interactions entre rÈseau Èpileptique et fonctionnement cÈrÈbral: approche par analyse non-lineaire de l'EEG intracr’nien,

Revue Neurologique 155:489-494

[176] J.P. Lachaux, E.Rodriguez, J.Martinerie and F.Varela (1999)

Measuring phase-synchrony in brain signals,

Human Brain Map. 8: 194-208

[177] J.M.Roy, J.Petitot, B.Pachoud and , F.J. Varela, (1999)

Beyond the gap. An introduction to naturalizing phenomenology,

in: J.Petitot, F.J. Varela, B.Pachoud and J.M.Roy (Eds.), Naturalizing Phenomenology, Stanford University Press, pp.1-83.

[178] Thompson, E. and F.Varela (1999)

Autopoiesis and Lifelines: The importance of origins

Beh.Brain Sciences 22:909-910.

[179] M.Le van Quyen J.Martinerie and F.Varela (1999)

Spatio-temporal dynamics of epileptopgenic networks,

In: Peter Grassberger and Klaus Lehnertz (Eds.), Chaos in the Brain?, pp. 86-96, World Scientific, 1999.

[180] M. Baulac, M.Le van Quyen J.Martinerie, S.Cleme,ceau, C.Adam and F.Varela (1999)

Pre-ictal changes of the EGG dynamics in epileptic patients: clinical and neurobiological implications,

In: Peter Grassberger and Klaus Lehnertz (Eds.), Chaos in the Brain?, pp.77-86, World Scientific, 1999.

[181] Varela, F. (2000)

Synchronisation neuronal et fonctions cognitives

In: B.Feltz, M. Crommelinck, and Ph.Goujon (Eds.), Auto-organisation et Emergence dans les sciences de la vie, Ousia, Bruxelles, pp.310-330.

[182] M.Le van Quyen, J.Martinerie, C.Adam , S.Clemenceau, M.Baulac, and F.Varela (2000)

Non-linear analysis of long-term EEG spatio-temporal dynamics in human tempoal lobe epilepsy,


[183] J.P. Lachaux, E.Rodriguez, J.Martinerie, C.Adam, D.Hasboun and F.Varela (2000)

Gamma-band activity in human intracortical recordings triggered by cognitive tasks

Europ.J.Neuroscience 12:1-15.

[184] F.Varela and N.Depraz,

At the source of time: Valance and the constitutional dynamics of affect,

in : Ipseity and Alterity, Arob@se: An electronic journal,


[179] F.J.Varela (1999)

Pour une phÈnomÈnologie de la sunyata. I.

in: N.Depraz and J.F.Marquet (Eds.), Gnosis, Metaphysique, PhÈnomÈnologie,

Eds. du Cerf, Paris

[180] Varela, F., (2000)

Why the proper study of mind implies the transcendence of nature,

in J.Andresen (Ed.), Religion in Mind: Cognitive Science and Religious Experience, Cambridge Univ. Press 1999.

[181] N.Depraz, F.Varela and P.Vermersch (1999)

The gesture of awareness: An acount of its structural dynamics,

in: M.Velmans (Ed.), Investigating Phenomenal Consciousness, Benjamin Publishers, Amsterdam

also in: R.K¸hn und Michael Staudigl (Hg.), EpochÈ und Reduktion, Karl Alber Verlag

also in: Etudes Philosophiques

[182] M.Le van Quyen J.Martinerie and F.Varela (1999)

Spatio-temporal dynamics of epileptopgenic networks,

In: Peter Grassberger and Klaus Lehnertz (Eds.), Chaos in the Brain?, World Scientific, 1999.

[183] F. Varela (1999)

La rÈduction phÈnomÈnologique a l'Èpreuve de l'expÈrience: RÈponse a F.-D.


dans: M.J. Durand-Richard (Ed.), Des lois de la pensÈe au constructivisme,Editions

EHSS, Paris

[184] Lachaux, JP, Rodriguez, E., M.Le Van Quyen, A Lutz, J.Martinerie and F.Varela,

Studying single-trials of phase-synchronous activity in the brain,


[185] M.Le van Quyen, J.Martinerie, C.Adam , S.Clemenceau, M.Baulac, and F.Varela

Non-linear analysis of long-term EEG spatio-temporal dynamics in human tempoal lobe epilepsy,


[185] F.J.Varela (2000)

Pour une phÈnomÈnologie de la sunyata. I.

in: N.Depraz and J.F.Marquet (Eds.), Gnosis, Metaphysique, PhÈnomÈnologie,

Eds. du Cerf, Paris

[186] Varela, F., (2000)

Why the proper study of mind implies the transcendence of nature,

in J.Andresen (Ed.), Religion in Mind: Cognitive Science and Religious Experience, Cambridge Univ. Press

[187] N.Depraz, F.Varela and P.Vermersch (2000)

The gesture of awareness: An acount of its structural dynamics,

in: M.Velmans (Ed.), Investigating Phenomenal Consciousness, Benjamin Publishers, Amsterdam
  … also in: R.K¸hn und Michael Staudigl (Hg.), EpochÈ und Reduktion, Karl Alber Verlag
  … also in: Etudes Philosophiques

[188] F. Varela (2000)

La rÈduction phÈnomÈnologique a l'Èpreuve de l'expÈrience: RÈponse a F.-D. Sebbah,

dans: M.J. Durand-Richard (Ed.), Des lois de la pensÈe au constructivisme, Editions EHSS, Paris

[189] Lachaux, JP, Rodriguez, E., M.Le Van Quyen, A Lutz, J.Martinerie and F.Varela (2000)

Studying single-trials of phase-synchronous activity in the brain,


[190] Varela, F.

Imagining: Embodiment, phenomenology, transformation,

In: A. Wallace (Ed.), Breaking New Ground: Essays on Buddhism and Modern Science,

[191] Varela, F. (2000),

Upwards and downwards causation in the brain: Case studies on the emergence and efficacy of consciousness,

In: K.Yasue and M.Jibu (eds.), Towards a Science of Consciousness Tokyo '99 , Benjamin Publishers, Amsterdam, 2000.


[186] J.P. Lachaux, E.Rodriguez, J.Martinerie, C.Adam, D.Hasboun and F.Varela

Gamma-band activity in human intracortical recordings triggered by cognitive tasks


[187] F.Varela and N.Depraz,

At the source of time: Valance and the constitutional dynamics of affect,

in : Ipseity and Alterity, Arob@se: An electronic journal,

[188] E.Rodriguez, B. Jamel, J.P.Lachaux, A.Lutz, J.Martinerie, B.Renault and F.Varela

"She's got Bette Davis eyes": Multi-band brain synchrony during a complex visual task

Nature Neuroscien.

[189] M. Le van Quyen, J.Martinerie, V.Navarro, P.Boon, M.D’Hiv, F. Varela, and M.Baulac,

Non-invasive anticipation of epileptic seizures,

The Lancet

[190] Boidron, A., J.Martinerie and F.Varela,

Attentional shifts as a modulator of gamma activity: A study using long-lasting stimuli


[191] Thompson, E. and F. Varela ,

What are neural Correlates of Consciousness? A Neurophenomenological perspective,

Mind and Body

[192] Weber, A. and F.Varela

Life after Kant: Natural puposes and the autopoietic foundation of individuality

Phylosophy & Biology

[192] E.Rodriguez, B. Jamel, J.P.Lachaux, A.Lutz, J.Martinerie, B.Renault and F.Varela

Multi-band brain synchrony during a complex visual task

[193] M. Le van Quyen, J.Martinerie, V.Navarro, P.Boon, M.D'Hiv, F. Varela, and M.Baulac, Anticipation of epileptic seizures from standard surface EEG

[194] Boidron, A., J.Martinerie and F.Varela, Attentional shifts as a modulator of gamma activity: A study using long-lasting stimuli

[195] F. Varela and Thompson, E.

What are neural Correlates of Consciousness? A Neurophenomenological perspective,

[196] Weber, A. and F.Varela

Life after Kant: Natural puposes and the autopoietic foundation of individuality

[197] Cohen, A. and F. Varela

Facing up to the embarrasement: psychoanalysis and cognitive neuroscience,

Actes Etats GÈneraux de la Psychoanalyse, Paris July 2000,


[1] Varela, F. ,

Los Ojos de los Insectos,

Editorial Alhambra, Madrid, 118 pp, 1974.

[2] H.Maturana and F.Varela,

Autopoiesis and Cognition: The realization of the living,

D.Reidel, Boston, 1980, 141 pp+xxv.

• Spanish:De M·quinas y Seres Vivos: Una teorÌa sobre la organizaciÛn biolÛgica, Editorial

Universitaria, Santiago, 1973, 121 pp.New revised edition with a Preface, 1995

• Italian: Autopoiese e Cognizione: La realizazione del vivente, Marsilio Editori,

Venezia, 1985, 204 pp.

German in: H.Maturana, Erkennen: Die Organisation und Verk–rperung von Wirklichkeit,

Ausgew”hlte Arbeiten zur biologischen Epistemologie, Vieweg, Wiesbaden, 1982., pp.170-


• Japanese: Kokubun-Sha Publishers, Tokyo, 1991

• Portuguese: De Maquinas e Seres Vivos, Intermedica, Sao Paulo, 1997

[3] Varela, F.,

Principles of Biological Autonomy,

Elsevier/North-Holland, New York, 1979, 306 pp.

• French: Autonomie et Connaissance: Essai sur le Vivant, Eds. du Seuil, Paris, 1988

[4] H.Maturana and F.Varela,

The Tree of Knowledge: A new look at the biological roots of human understanding,

Shambhala/New Science Library, Boston, 1987

• Spanish : El Arbol del Conocimiento: Las bases biolÛgicas del entendimiento humano,

Editorial Universitaria, Santiago, 1985; Editorial Debate, Madrid, 1988.

• German : Der Baum der Erkenntnis, Scherz Verlag, M¸nchen. 1987 ; paperback edition

Goldman Verlag, 1990

• Italian : L'Arbero della Conoscenza, Garzanti Editori, Milano, 1987

• Japanese : Asahi Press, Tokyo , 1987; Chikuma Shobo, Tokyo, 1997

• Danish : Kinskaben Trae, Forgest Ask, Copenhaguen, 1988

• Dutch : De Boom der Kennis, Uitgeverij Contact, Amsterdam, 1989.

• Greek : To Lentro tes Gnoshs, Katoptro, Athens, 1992

• French: L'Arbre de la Connaissance, Addison-Wesley France, Paris, 1994

• Portuguese : A Arbore do Conhecimiento, Editorial Psy, Sao Paulo, Brasil, 1995

• Slovenian : Drevo Spoznanja, Studia Humanitatis, Ljubljana, 1998

• Vietnamese : 1999

• Russian: Progress-Tradition, Moscow, 2000

[5] F.Varela

ConnaÓtre:Les Sciences Cognitives , tendences et perspectivess ,

Editions du Seuil, Paris, 1988.

• DeuxiËme edition: Invitation aux Sciences Cognitives, Seuil, Points Sciences, 1996.

• Italian:Scienze e Tecnologia della Cognizioni , Hopeful Monster, Florence , 1987

• Spanish : Conocer: Las Ciencias Cognitivas, Grijalbo, Barcelona, 1990

• German : Kognitionwissenschaften-Kognitiontechnik, Surkampf, Frankfurt 1990

• Portuguese: Conhecer, Instituto Piaget, Lisbon

[6] F.Varela E.Thompson and E.Rosch

The Embodied Mind: Cognitive science and human experience

MIT Press, Cambridge, 1991

• German: Der Mittlere Weg der Erkenntnis, Scherz, Munich, 1992

• Italian: La via del mezzo de la conoscenza Feltrinelli, Milano, 1993

• French: L'Inscription Corporelle de l'Esprit, Seuil, Paris, 1993

• Spanish: De Cuerpo Presente: Las ciencias cognitivas y la experiencia humana , Gedisa, Barcelona, 1992

• Portuguese: Editora Piaget, Lisbon (in press)

• Brazil: Editorial Artes Medicas, Sao Paulo (in press)

• Japonese: Koishaku, Tokyo (in presss)

• Korean: Hyunwoo Publishing Co., Seoul (in press)

• Chinese: Shy Mau Publishing Co., Taiwan (in press)

[7] F.Varela

Un Know-how per l'ettica, The Italian Lectures 3

Editrice La Terza, Roma, 1992

• German: Ethisches K–nnen, Campus Verlag, Frankfurt, 1994

• Portuguese: Sobre a Competencia Etica, EdiÁÚes 70, Lisboa, 1996

• French: Quel savoir pour l'Ètique? Action, sagesse et cognition, Editions La DÈcouverte,

Paris, 1996

• Spanish: Etica y AcciÛn , Editorial Dolmen, Santiago, Chile, 1996

• English: Ethical Know-How, Stanford Univ. Press, 1999


[9] E.Thompson and F.Varela

Lived Body: Why the Mind is not in the Head

Harvard University Press

[10] N.Depraz, F.Varela and P.Vermersch

On Becoming Aware: Steps to a Phenomenological Pragmatics

Benjamin Publishing, Advances in Consciousness Research, New York

[11] F.Varela

Laying down a Path in Walking : Cognition from an enactive viewpoint

(selected papers in preparation)

As Editor

[1] Varela,F. (Ed.)

Comparative Neurobiology of Vision in Vertebrates,

Proceedings of the International Symposium, Punta de Tralca, Chile, November 1982,

Biological Reasearch (ex Arch. Biol.Med.Exp.) Vol.16, N†2/3, 1983, 145 pp.

[2] Varela,F. and J.P.Dupuy (Eds.)

Understanding Origin: Scientific Ideas on the Origin of Life, Mind, and Society,

(A Stanford University Interational Symposium),

Boston Studies Phil.Sci, Kluwer Assoc., Dordrecht, 1992

[3] F. Varela and P. Bourgine and (Eds.)

Towards a Practice of Autonomous Systems: The First European Conference on Artificial Life,

MIT Press/Bradford Books, Cambridge, MA. 1992

[4] J.Hayward and F.Varela (Eds.)

Gentle Bridges: Dialogues between the Cognitive Sciences and the Buddhist Tradition,

Shambhala Publishers, Boston, 1992

• French: Passarelles, Albin Michel, 1995

• German: Gewagte Denkwege, Piper Verlag, 1996

ƒ Spanish: Un Puente para Dos Miradas, Dolmen, Santiago de Chile, 1997

• Italian: Ponti Sottili, Neri Pozzi Editori, Vincenza, 1998

• Japanese: Seidosha,Tokyo

• Chinese: Cung Sheng Publishing House, Taiwan

[5] W.Stein and Varela,F. (Eds.)

Thinking About Biology: An introduction to Theoretical Biology,

SFI Series on Complexity, Addision-Wesley, NJ, 1993

[6] F.Varela (Ed.)

Sleeping, Dreaming and Dying: Dialogues between the Sciences and the Buddhist Tradition,

Wisdom Book, Boston, 1997

• French: Dormir, RÍver, Mourir, NIL Editions, Paris, 1998

• German: Traum, Schlaf und Tod, Diederichs, M¸nchen, 1999

• Spanish: Dormir, SoÒar, Morir, Dolmen Ediciones, Santiago de Chile, 1999

[7] F. Varela and J.Shear (Eds.)

The View from Within: First-Person Methodologies in the Study of Consciousness

Special Issue, Journal of Consciousness Studies, 6(2-3), 1999,

also available as book: Imprint Academic, London, 1999

[8] J.Petitot , F.Varela, B.Pachoud and J.M.Roy (Eds.)

Naturalizing Phenomenology: Contemporary Issues in Phenomenology and Cognitive Science

Stanford University Press, Stanford, 1999



Moran,D. and F.Varela (1970), Microtubules and sensory transduction, J. Cell Biol. 27:145a.

Moran,D., J.Rowley, and F.Varela (1975), Are sensory cilia motile?. J.Cell Biol. 67:293a.

Moran,D. and F.Varela (1976), Evolutionary patterns in sensory cilia, J.Cell Biol. 70:351a.

Zill,S., F.Varela, and D.Moran (1977), Modulation of locomotory activity by campaniform sensilla, Neuroscien. Abst. 3:391.

Varela,F. (1977), Circulus fructuosus, in: Proc.XXXIst Annual Meeting, Soc.Gen.Systems Res., Denver, CO. pp.116-118.

Glanville,R. and F.Varela (1980), The inside is out, Proc.III World Congress of Cybernetics, Acapulco, Mexico, pp.322-324.

Varela,F. (1983), La adaptaciÛn como un invariante, Arch. Biol. Med.Exp. 16:345-347a.

Budnik,V. y F.Varela (1983), La inducciÛn crom·tica como fenÛmeno universal, Arch.Biol.Med.Exp. 16:567a.

Dupuy,J-P and F.Varela (1984), Le conflict autorganisation/ intelligence artificielle, Proc. IX CongrÈs AFCET, Paris .

Varela,F. (1987), Cognition without representations, Proc.Osaka 1986 Workshop, Biology Forum 80:241-242.

Palacios,A. and F.Varela (1988), Color mixture in the pigeon, Annual Meeting Physiol.Society, J.Physiol. 23P

Luisi,L. and F.Varela (1988), Micellar growth as a model for self-replication and chemical autopoiesis, IV Intl.Kyoto Conf. New Aspects of Organic Chemistry

Varela,F. and A.Palacios (1988), Dimensionality of the pigeon's chromatic space, European Neuroscien.Assoc. Annual Meeting, Z¸rich.

Bonnardel,V. and F.Varela (1989), Response of the human color vision system to sinusoidal power distributions, Neuroscience Abstracts (USA). 15(1):625.

Neunschwander,S. and F.Varela (1990), Stimulus triggered oscillations in the avian tectum, Neuroscience Abstracts (USA) 16:(1) 109.

Bonnardel,V. and F.Varela, (1991) Chromaticity loci of sensitivity thresholds of a deuteranope observer to regular spectral power distributions, ECVP 91

Neuenschwander,S. and F.Varela (1992), Synchronization of oscillatory responses in the avian optic tectum, Neuroscience Abstracts (USA) 18:(1) 213.

V. Bonnardel and F. Varela, (1992): Elliptical representation of chromaticity of sensitivity thresholds to regular spectral power distributions, 15th ECVP, Pise, 1992

Pezard,L. J.Martinerie, J-L Nadrino, J.M¸ller,F.Varela, and B.Renault (1995), Non-linear forecasting measurements of brain electrical map dynamics, Human Brain Mapp,.Suppl. 1:93.

F.Varela, J.Martinerie, J.M¸ller,Pezard,L., C.Adam and B.Renault (1995), Frequency coherence in multi-site cranial recordings in humans during cognitive tasks, Human Brain Mapp, Suppl. 1:207.

Pezard,L., J.-Ph.Lachaux, J-L Nadrino,.C.Adam, L.Garnero, B.Renault, F.Varela, and J.Martinerie, (1995), Local and global entropy quantification in neuronal systems, Proceddings of the NDCCS'95 Conference, Acta Physica Polonica

Adam, C., J. Martinerie, M. Le Van Quyen, B.Renault, M. Baulac and F. Varela.(1977), Anticipation of Seizure Onset with Non-linear Analysis of Intracerebral EEG. Epilepsia 38: 217, Supplement 3.

M.Le van Quyen, J.Martinerie, and F.Varela (1998), Clinical applications for neural noise?, Science Letters 279:1287-88.


Varela,F. (1972), A review of J.Piaget's Biologie et Connaissance, Orbita (Chile) 3:27-39.

Varela,F. (1975), A review of S.Beer's Platform for Change, Int.J.Gen.Syst. 2:121-122.

Varela,F. (1979), A review of J.L.LeMoigne's Theorie du Systeme,

Int.J.Gen.Syst. 5:76-78.

Varela,F. (1982), EvoluciÛn de la evoluciÛn: Una crÌtica de Le Jeu des Possibles por F.Jacob, Arch.Biol.Med.Exp. 15:9-10.

Varela,F. (1986), A review of Complex Systems-Operational Approaches by H.Haken (Ed.), Physics Today 40:74-76.

Varela, F. (1993ß), A review of D.Dennett's Consciousness Explained, Am.J.Psychol. 106:126-129

Extension Articles

Maturana,H. y F.Varela (1982), Como conocer el conocer, Creces (Chile), 3:29-34.

Varela,F. (1983), La biologÌa de la libertad, Mutantia (Argen- tina), N†15, Abril, pp.29-34.

Varela,F. (1983), Darwin, cien aÒos despuÈs, Mensaje (Chile), Septiembre 1983, N†322, pp.510-515.

Varela,F. (1984), La frontera circular: Las bases biolÛgicas del conocer, Hombre y Universo: Revista Universitaria de la Univ. CatÛlica , Santiago, Marzo, pp.24-29.

Varela,F. (1984), Biologie der Vernunft, Steirische Berichte, N†6.

Varela,F. (1985), El trabajo de red, Mutantia, N†15, pp.14-15.

Thompson,W. and F.Varela (1987), Transparency: A trialogue with Nishitani-sensei, Annals of the Earth Winter Issue

Varela, F. (1989), La rete immunitaria, Sfera 9 (Roma), pp. 34-36.

Varela, F. (1990), Autonomie biologique et connaissance, in: Nature de la PensÈe, Biblioteque Munip. de Lyon.

Abraham,R. and F.Varela (1990), Myths within science, Dynamics Newsletter 3:4-5, IS Newsletter 1:10-11.

Varela,F. (1995), Connaisances et rÈpresentations, BIC (Paris), N†27, 1995, pp.79-89.

Rodriguez, E. y F.Varela, PercepcÛn consciente: SincronÌa de groups neurnales, InvestigaciÛn y Ciencia, Nov. 1999, pp.38-39.

Varela, F. (1999), L’autorganisation, dans: Sciences et Conscience, Albin Michel, pp.105-109.

Contributions to Miscelaneous Books and Projects

Varela,F. (1974), Contributions to Cybernetics of Cybernetics, Biological Computer Labortatory, Univ. of Illinois, Urbana, IL.

Varela,F. (1981), La biologie de la connaissance, Les Entretiens de Monaco, Paris, pp.99-104.

Varela,F. (1982), Introduction, in: H.von Foerster, Observing Systems: Selected papers by Heinz von F–rster, Edited by F.Varela, Intersystems Publications, Santa Barbara, pp.xi-xvi.

Varela,F. (1985), Die Kunst des Wissens: Foreword to W.I.Thompson's Die Pazifische Herausforderung: Re-vision des politisches Denkens , Dianus Trikont Verlag, M¸nchen, pp.9-13.

Varela, F. (1986), Interventions, in: M.Cazenave (Ed.),Signes et Symbols: Les Voies de la Connaissance, Actes du Colloque Intl. de Tsukuba, Aubin Michel/Radio France, Paris.

Varela,F. (1987), Interventions, in: CretivitÈ et Desordre, , Editions L'Original, Paris.

Varela,F. (1989), Creare la danza, Prefazione per M.Ceruti, La Danza che Crea, Feltrinelli, Milano, pp.7-9.

Varela, F. (1994), Intervention, in: Dalai-Lama, Au-delý des dogmes, Alban Michel Paris, pp.226-258

Varela, F. (1995), Preface ot Heinz von Foerster's Interview, Stanford Humanities Review, vol.4, No.2, pp.285-288.

Varela, F. (1995), Il corpo come macchina ontologica: il reale del virtuale, in: Arslab: I sensi del virtuale, Fabbri Editori, Milano, pp.148-150.

Varela, F. (1995), Les mystËres du cerveau, dans: A.Sureau (Ed.), Qu'est-ce qu'on ne sait pas?, Les Rencontres Philosophiques de l'Unesco, DÈcouvertes Gallimard, Paris, p.54-58.

Varela, F. (1996), Le corps et la expÈrience vÈcue, dans: Y.Tardan-Masquelier (ed.), Les Chemins du Corps, Albin Michel, Paris, pp.110-124.

Varela, F. (1999), The Portable Laboratory, in: Laboratorium, Antwerpen Open, 27 June-3 Octobre.

Varela, F. (1999), Dialogue avec C.Castoriadis, Editions de l'Aubre, Paris, pp. 59-83.

Varela, F. (1999), Levels of a cat, in: F.Bonami and H.U.Obrist (Eds.), Dreams, Celtevecchi Artes, Torino.

Varela, F. (1999), The Portable Laboratory, in Laboratorium Exhibition, Antwerp, June-Octobre 1999, p.50-51.

Technical Reports

Maturana, H. and F.Varela (1974), Autopoiesis: The organization of living systems, Biological Computer Lab.Res.Rep. 9.4, Univ. of Illinois, Urbana, IL. 130 pp.

Varela,F. (1976), The grounds for a closed logic, Biological Computer Lab.Res.Rep. 3.5, Univ. of Illinois, Urbana, IL. 79 pp.

Varela,F. (1987), The science and technology of cognition: Emergent directions, Technical Report for Shell Int.Co. , London.

Articles on Social Affairs

Varela,F. (1973), Lectura de Illich, CIDOC Documenta I/V 72, 24pp., Cuernavaca, Mexico.

Varela, F. (1979), Reflections on the chilean civil war, Lindisfarne Newsletter, N†8, pp.13-20.

Varela,F. (1983), La no-violencia en Chile, a la hora de las dudas, en: Alternativas al Pensamiento Social, L.Weinstein (Ed.), Ediciones Minga, Santiago de Chile.

Varela,F. and eight other chilean scientists (1984), Scientists in Pinochet's Chile, Nature 308:310.

Varela, F. (1986), Interventions in: The ethics of science (with R.D.Laing, J.Halifax, F.Huxley, and others), in: The Elmwood Institute Transcripts N†1, Berkeley, 7pp.

Varela, F. (1987), Interventions in: Table Ronde sur Psychoanalyse et Sciences Cognitives, L'Ane: Le magazine freudien, (Paris), N†31, pp.39-50.

Varela,F. (1988), Les multiples figures de la circularitÈ, in: M.ElkaÔm et C.Sluzki (Eds.), Auto-rÈfÈrence et ThÈrapie Familiale, Privat Cahiers de ThÈrapie Familiale et Pratiques de RÈseaux N†9, Toulouse, pp.45-49.

• also in M.ElkaÔm (ed.), La thÈrapie familiale en changement, Les EmpÍcheurs de Penser en Rond, Paris, 1994, pp.151-155

Varela, F., (1988), "Le corp pense", in: J.Miermont et R.Neuburger (eds.), Approche familiale des troubles psychosomatiques, 8e JournÈe du CEFA, Paris, pp.83-101.

Varela,F. (1989), Reflections on the circulation between a biology of cognition and systemic family therapy, Fam.Proc. 28:15-24.

Varela,F. (1989), Interventions dans la Table Ronde "Psychanalyse et Sciences", Esquisses Psychoanalytiques N†12, Automne 1989, pp.5-39.

Varela, F., (1990) The absolute near side: Reflections on cognitive science and human experience, in: M.Pacini (Ed.), Valori, Scienza e Trascendenza, Vol.2, Edizioni della Fondazione Giovanni Agnelli, pp.225-237.

• Italian: Educazione dall'amibiente, ambienta dall'educazione, MIlano, (in press)

Varela, F. (1990), Ðber Farber und K–rper in: Wahrnehmung und Individualit”t, Akademie der Kunst in Wien, pp.25-31.

Varela, F. (1992), Penser l'IA: Le point de vue d'un biologiste, UniversitÈ d'EtÈ, Assoc. Descartes (sous presse)

Varela, F. (1992), Das zweite Gehirn underseres K–rper, in: The End of Grand Designs, Heidelberg


Varela,F. (1975), On G.Spencer-Brown's Laws of Form, Part I: Foundations, Part II: Self-reference, 4 video casettes, 3 hrs, General Systems Depository, School of Advanced Technology, SUNY at Binghampton, Binghampton, NY, N†042075.

Varela, F. (1984), Awakening the dream of the warrior, Ojai Foundation, Ojai, CA, 6 hrs videocassetts (with J.Halifax, R.D.Laing, F.Huxley, and others).

Varela,F. (1984), Brain Seminar: Conversations with J.Krishnamurti, Brockwood Park, England, 3 videocassetts, 3 hrs.

Varela,F. and other 3 scientists, (1987) Mind and Life I: Conversation with H.H.Dalai Lama, Dharamsala, India, 12 videocassetts

Varela,F. and three others (1991), Science and Spirituality, 1 videocasstte